trap shooting
The Somerset Sportsman's Club offers a a very active trap shooting program. We usually running shoots 3 days a week. With two trap shooting fields and heated trap house to warm up between shoots during the colder weather we are sure you will find trap shooiting at SSC enjoyable.We offer season trap leagues as well as special events like our 100 Bird Shoot, Turkey Shoot with an Annie Oakley as well as our New Veteran's Shoot. All Trap shooting events at the Somerset Sportsmen's Club are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
Trap Schedule: Spring 2024
Monday & Thursday 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM or finished
Member $5.00 per round, under 18 yrs. old $4.00
Non-Member: $7.00 per round, under 18 yrs. old $4.00